ElixirLS - the Elixir Language Server

It’s fixed now, yay! Thanks for all the effort you put into this.


Version 0.15.0 has been released :rocket:

This release brings in elixir 1.15 support and fixes a longstanding issue with formatter ignoring .formatter.exs (on elixir 1.15)

See full release notes
ElixirLS elixir-ls/CHANGELOG.md at v0.15.0 · elixir-lsp/elixir-ls · GitHub
vscode extension vscode-elixir-ls/CHANGELOG.md at v0.15.0 · elixir-lsp/vscode-elixir-ls · GitHub


This is great news!

Is there a way to turn off the new Added highlighting of matching do end pairs? I absolutely hate the way it renders with my theme.

I can’t find it in the codebase.

The main branch has that feature reverted due to feedback/issues, but a release hasn’t been cut yet. I expect it will be soon.

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You know…now that I’ve spent a bit of time with this feature, I actually really like it!

I think it just needs to be configurable in regards to colors. And I think instead of changing the text colors, a colored outline around each matching do/end keyword would be fantastic! And while I’m in here begging for features, that should be configurable. :grin:

It cant’t be made configurable. Brackets are static language configuration in VSCode. What’s doable is a custom document highlight provider


Oof. I aint going down that rabbit hole haha. Thanks for the explaination!

FYI looks like OTP 26.0.2 compatible elixir-ls is out now, and a new version of the VS Code extension was just released.


FINALLY, thought it will never come out. Thank you very much elixir-ls team for your effort !!!

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Thank you for the latest update. It fixed my biggest problem.


I thought I broke some configuration and was lamenting my choices.

Now it works flawlessly.


Unfortunately OTP 26.0.2 is still broken on Windows Erlang/OTP 26 write to stdout hangs in latin1 encoding on Windows · Issue #7459 · erlang/otp · GitHub


I think I have seen some info about the “parenthesis bug” with the auto format being solved in vscode. But it does not work for me.

I would like to know the steps to have a correct setup (I think some elixir version needs to be globally installed ? or just used in my project ? I use rtx.

Thank you

rtx is not currently supported. Please send a PR

I can install asdf then.

btw, I use rtx and I just have this in ~/.config/elixir_ls/setup.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash

eval "$(rtx env -s bash erlang@26.0.2 elixir@ref:v1.15.4)"

Obviously adjust for what versions make sense for you. Seems to work for me.


I reinstalled asdf but I will revert and try that, thank you!

I haven’t been able to find any documentation on the specific services ElixirLS provides. Could anyone provide me with info and/or pointers on this? FWIW, I’d be willing to help create docs if I had the needed info…


Any help would be appreciated. The documentation is not at the level I’d like it to be. Currently readmes
https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls/blob/master/README.md and https://github.com/elixir-lsp/vscode-elixir-ls/blob/master/README.md are most complete docs.
There is ElixirLS which is built from official docs but it’s lacking in many aspects.
Please reach out if you need more specifics

eval "$(rtx env -s zsh erlang@26.0.2 elixir@1.15.4-otp-26)"

This was the correct syntax on my system (no “ref:” or “v” prefix for versions, and the versions I can list have “-otp-XX” suffix).

Thanks again!

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