Elm vs Vue/React which one do you prefer to use with Phoenix, and why?

This is a strange thing to say about web-development. But seriously, Vue is very little like Angular, 
other than the template directives, and the template directives are really not very important - but 
they are simpler and cleaner than JSX in my experience with both frameworks.

I made a remark on what angular and vue have in common: those directives. Some thoughts:

edit: https://codeburst.io/80-of-my-coding-is-doing-this-or-why-templates-are-dead-b640fc149e22

Overtime, most template languages eventually reinvent practically every feature of a 
general purpose programming language.

Also: External DSL's

External DSLs on the other hand are like puppies, they all start out cute and happy, but without 
exception turn into vicious beasts as the grow up (Erik Meijer)
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