Emacs lsp-mode (language server) + elixir-ls anyone?

Hi all,

Thanks for the interest!

Yeah, this is not yet ready for spacemacs, unfortunately. I originally thought I could do a back-end refactor of alchemist and get rid of all the original code, using only elixir-ls, but it turns out that alchemist does a lot of things that need to be implemented in the LSP server, so I’m going to do the refactor much more incrementally.

I’m looking forward to collaborating with the community on the growth of elixir_sense (the Elixir code analyzer), elixir-ls (the Elixir LSP server) and alchemist (the emacs client).

I’ve started forks of the back-end components ( https://github.com/elixir-lsp ) because I had a very hard time getting in touch with the maintainers – and because I think this stuff should belong to the community, not a single person.