Error defining a guard - invalid syntax in defguard

As @NobbZ mentioned, the problem is that there’s no pattern matching inside a defguard header.
I didn’t find good documentation on this, though. Only some discussion prior to implementing defguard in v1.6:

defguard(h) is extremely limited in scope:

  • the function head cannot pattern match
  • code blocks are not allowed in guards
  • no assignment
  • no local functions

[2] Provide defguard · Issue #2469 · elixir-lang/elixir · GitHub
[3] Redirecting to Google Groups
[4] Defguard - experimenting with a structural matching alternative to Kernel.defguard

Follow up question: if I define a guard as a macro (according to the docs) then I can pattern match. However isn’t defguard a syntactic sugar for this macro?