ExApi - a library for creating and managing apis and their implementations

Hey, thanks for mentioning the Firestorm forum, this will be interesting for a friend of mine ^-^


For all interested. I plan changes for third release candidate.

Here is my TODO list:

1. Make test helpers like:

assert_supported impl_or_module
assert_supported impl_or_module, only: [feature_name: 0]
assert_supported impl_or_module, except: [another_feature_name: 1]

assert_all_supported api_or_module
assert_all_supported api_or_module, only: [feature_name: 0]
assert_all_supported api_or_module, except: [another_feature_name: 1]

2. Supervise all registered apis

For now all apis are using GenServer, but they are not supervised, so I want to dynamically add them to as supervisor children.

3. Small fixes

For example I can see that defp should not be excluded in implementation.

4. Wait for your input

@OvermindDL1 will look at it and this is a good start. I saw that few people already downloaded my library. If anyone have questions or ideas then feel free to them in this topic.

When I found some more time then after final release I will work on ex_doc alternative and on new version of ExApi that will use it.