Excontainers - Throwaway containers for your tests

This is great, and something I think is very much needed in the ecosystem!

I believe that this has potential to be used beyond just starting containers from test. For example, we could use this to start/link the accompanying containers when the system starts, or to run containerized one-off commands.

I’ve been meaning to develop something like this myself as the part of the ci library, but it looks like excontainers already solves many of the things I planned.

The usage of ryuk for container cleanup is nice, I didn’t even know about it! My plan was to start a separate OS process (ideally a hidden Erlang node), which would roughly do the same thing. I still plan on trying this out, because I think it could solve a subtle race condition that exists with ryuk.

I wonder why is Docker.Api marked with @moduledoc false? This is something that I think could be useful to the general population, and I think it’s possibly the most important part of this library. Having a simple docker API wrapper would allow people to build various custom abstractions & docker flows.

The synchronous logic based on polling in exec_and_wait likely won’t work for the scenarios I have in mind. I’d probably aim for a reactive approach, i.e. a GenServer that receives response chunks from the start request, and stops once the exec command has finished. That way the client could also handle stdout/stderr in realtime, e.g. by logging the output. I’m not sure if this can be done with tesla, but I think that it should be possible with mint. I’ll try this out myself, because I need this for the ci library, but I can’t commit on time.

In any case, great job, thank for making this!