Failing to get state from Twitter OAuth callback

I am using the Ueberauth library.
When I inspect Conn, after callback, Twitter returns this.

params: %{
    "oauth_token" => "Zb_ufgAAAAAA4LIQAAABeZKKwTFg",
    "oauth_verifier" => "Y4aeLra0OtuVFxl1eOGFtmTcEjllJJiCM",
    "provider" => "twitter"

While Google, Facebook and Github return me this.

params: %{
    "code" => "4/AAAxTUvWeJUzPT-SprFtpeCKTJbSSwmi5SCDS_mat9_8iB8k6j_TLXoE66vzFG-aDGHOkhaC1ZDzHplBf-CWsioA",
    "provider" => "google",
    "state" => "G0ETOU7G3I73E7ADV"

The value of the state is created from the client and sent to Twitter.
How can I request in a way that Twitter would return me with the state param?