Feedback required: snap for Elixir-current

Hi all!

I was interested of trying current version of Elixir without breaking my main installation, so I created a snap which automatically compiles/packages last version of Elixir in master branch. mix format is nice! :slight_smile:

Snaps are cross platform packaging format and available on most Linux platforms, see installation instructions.

Here is a repo - clone it and run vagrant up in cloned directory, then follow instructions in to install it.

Benefit of snaps is that Elixir will be installed in totally separate place, without intervening with your host packages at all.

If feedback is positive from community - I’ll set up continuous build process to publish to snap store, so that they can be installed without any extra building steps.

I need your comments :slight_smile:

For those who just want to try it without building yourselves -

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