For someone just starting with Elm which version between 0.18 and 0.19 would you recommend?

That’s a very good suggestion. I also initially thought to go that way, but in that case I won’t be able to use elm-phoenix-socket package and don’t know if it will catch up by the time I’m confident with using ELM which shouldn’t take much time.
Also as @dsissitka said,

It’s kind of a community social network with a chat system, which is of course possible using LiveView (and I’m a fan of LiveView), but I’m thinking of introducing a game at some point in future, so I want to go JS/ELM way right from the start.

Edit: Also another concern which I have with using LiveView after reading the following comment and re-watching @chrismccord’s talk is, will Phoenix+LiveView stack be as performant as a Phoenix+Js/ELM/Reason/Whatever stack?