Formex - a form library for Phoenix inspired by Symfony

I don’t like templates and mixing elixir + html either. I want a separate ui, backend should not have knowledge about the client, ui should be usable with another backend (not elixir / phoenix I mean). I want simple maintenance of forms. So I looked for an opensource drag & drop formbuilder, persisting screendefinitions in json. Of course the forms should be rendered runtime (eventually in development mode) from that same json. The idea is not quite new.
I found something usable and reworked the javascript to work with websockets. So it communicates via phoenix channels with the backend now. Form defs are sent in json to the client, form input is sent to the server via the same channel.
More about how I implemented client-side and serverside validations (with lots of advises against, hahaha ) : Code.eval_something .

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