Functions in app.js wont fire

This app.js does a perfectly good job of gutting the default page as rendered by Phoenix:

// Brunch automatically concatenates all files in your
// watched paths. Those paths can be configured at
// config.paths.watched in "brunch-config.js".
// However, those files will only be executed if
// explicitly imported. The only exception are files
// in vendor, which are never wrapped in imports and
// therefore are always executed.

// Import dependencies
// If you no longer want to use a dependency, remember
// to also remove its path from "config.paths.watched".
import "phoenix_html";

// Import local files
// Local files can be imported directly using relative
// paths "./socket" or full ones "web/static/js/socket".

// import socket from "./socket"

(function() {
  function myFunction(){
    document.querySelector(".container").innerHTML = "Hello World";


I suspect that your problem relates to the fact that the JavaScript handled by Brunch is “modularized” which code placed directly in the page isn’t.

A 10 minute primer to JavaScript modules, module formats, module loaders and module bundlers

You can breach the encapsulation of the module by attaching the function to the global object window (not a recommended practice):

// Brunch automatically concatenates all files in your
// watched paths. Those paths can be configured at
// config.paths.watched in "brunch-config.js".
// However, those files will only be executed if
// explicitly imported. The only exception are files
// in vendor, which are never wrapped in imports and
// therefore are always executed.

// Import dependencies
// If you no longer want to use a dependency, remember
// to also remove its path from "config.paths.watched".
import "phoenix_html";

// Import local files
// Local files can be imported directly using relative
// paths "./socket" or full ones "web/static/js/socket".

// import socket from "./socket"

window.myFunction = function myFunction () {
  document.querySelector(".container").innerHTML = "Hello World";

From the browser console:

> window.myFunction();

The browser page changes - undefined in this case merely states that the function didn’t return a value.

See also How are Phoenix javascript assets callable from the browser console?.

Another way is to make Brunch attach the exports to the global object for you (still not recommended - but at least exports are being used rather attaching to the global object directly):

// Brunch automatically concatenates all files in your
// watched paths. Those paths can be configured at
// config.paths.watched in "brunch-config.js".
// However, those files will only be executed if
// explicitly imported. The only exception are files
// in vendor, which are never wrapped in imports and
// therefore are always executed.

// Import dependencies
// If you no longer want to use a dependency, remember
// to also remove its path from "config.paths.watched".
import "phoenix_html";

// Import local files
// Local files can be imported directly using relative
// paths "./socket" or full ones "web/static/js/socket".

// import socket from "./socket"

export function myFunction () {
  document.querySelector(".container").innerHTML = "Hello World";

and then in the brunch-config.js:

  npm: {
    enabled: true,
    globals: {myApp: 'js/app'}

so in the browser console:

> window.myApp.myFunction();

ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax