Gigalixir: Platform-as-a-Service designed just for Elixir/Phoenix

Hello @jesse,
I just want to know if the $10 plan Postgres has a size limitation? :slight_smile:

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@saint Here is some information about Gigalixir database pricing.

The free database is a Google Cloud Platform db-f1-micro postgres instance described here, but with a 10,000 row limit.


@saint I realized I didnā€™t actually answer your question. The free plan has a 10,000 row limitation, but the $10 (Standard) plan has no limits.

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thanks sir :slight_smile:

Is it possible to use the platform in other GCP regions?


Not at the moment, but weā€™re planning to expand to other regions based on demand so definitely let me know what region you are looking for.

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Does gigalixir provide outgoing internet connection? If so, what is the price? Sorry I failed to find info about it.


@jackalcooper bandwidth is free. So is CPU and disk. You only pay for memory.


Hmm, really? This may raise my tossing itā€™s name around to peopleā€¦


I would be guessing there are some hard limits on that free CPU though?

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Of course :slight_smile: you get one CPU share for every GB of memory. For more see

Perhaps a better way to say it is CPU is included when you buy memory.

Bandwidth on the other hand is not capped.


A bit confused on pricing so 1GB RAM with 1 Core (physical or virtual?) would be $50/month ?

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What does one CPU mean? How is it clocked? Whatā€™s its IPC? Basically, how many CPU instructions per second do I get?

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@andre1sk @sztosz Unfortunately cgroups, and therefore docker, and therefore Kubernetes, and therefore Gigalixir makes understanding CPU shares a little confusing. The gist of it is, if you have N containers on a Kubernetes node and they are given weights [w(0)ā€¦w(N)], then the proportion of CPU container i gets is w(i)/sum(w). On Gigalixir, the most common machine type we use has 4 CPUS and 16GB of memory. Iā€™ve tried to set it up so that when you buy 1GB of memory, you get 1/4 CPU to max utilize the machine. In practice, the machine is never ā€œfullā€ so youā€™ll get more than 1/4 CPU. In fact, Kubernetes ensures that the machine is never more than 80% utilized.

Basically, you get a proportion of CPU relative to what else is on the machine, but it will never be less than 1/4 CPU when you buy 1GB.

See the CPU shares section here for more:


@sztosz The details of what 1 CPU is can be confusing as well. Google Compute Engine describes it here:

Basically, it is one hyperthread on one of the following, but you arenā€™t guaranteed a particular one because Gigalixir is run multi-zone.

  • 2.6 GHz Intel Xeon E5 (Sandy Bridge)
  • 2.5 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v2 (Ivy Bridge)
  • 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v3 (Haswell)
  • 2.2 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v4 (Broadwell)
  • 2.0 GHz Intel Xeon (Skylake)

So itā€™s basically something like n1-standard-16 instance divided into 16 chunks (if we are using 1GB increments) ?
so 1GB would be 1 hyperThread ?

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I think itā€™s actually a n1-standard-4 instance and I think itā€™s 1/4 of a hyperthread. GCE says, ā€œFor the n1 series of machine types, a virtual CPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on a 2.6 GHz Intel Xeon E5 (Sandy Bridge), 2.5 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v2 (Ivy Bridge), 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v3 (Haswell), 2.2 GHz Intel Xeon E5 v4 (Broadwell), or 2.0 GHz Intel Skylake (Skylake).ā€

The n1-standard-4 machine has 4 virtual CPUs so 4 hyperthreads on the physical hardware. Divided in 16 chunks makes 1/4 a hyperthread per chunk.


AWS is way too expensive, yet you people using google cloud infra should overprice your services.
I do not get it when you know dev ops so damn good, why not set up your data centers and break the Heroku prices.
this is the only way you would get extreme traction and rise up.

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Itā€™s the peripheral tools that suck people in. Managed and monitored instances of various databases, redis, memcached, bigquery, Aurora, etc in the same datacenter.

Iā€™d love to see Gigalixir on Digital Ocean personally though.

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When did Gigalixir add AWS? I just glanced at it again now that the conference is open and saw that there were two regions now.

Thatā€™s pretty great news.

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