Gleam, a statically typed language for the Erlang VM

@lpil I’m interested to play around with Gleam more. My current BEAM experience is via Elixir, Phoenix & Ecto. I don’t have a lot of intricate business logic in my app so most lines of code are either in a Phoenix controller or interacting with an Ecto schema.

I’m not sure I can easily declare a Gleam module that could work as a Phoenix module and I’m not sure if I should go about wrapping my Ecto schemas so I’m not sure where to start integrating Gleam.

I realise it is early days for Gleam and there totally doesn’t have to be an answer for any of this yet. I’m curious though where your thoughts are at. Are you interested in the community exploring close interop with Ecto & Phoenix & Plug or would you much rather leave that and explore full Gleam solutions for web frameworks and database interactions?