Group or_where statements with where


I am trying to implement a filter over multiple columns using Ecto.

For example, I have a schema similar to this:

  schema "bookings" do
    field :name, :string
    field :email, :string
    field :company, :string

And I’m trying to implement “infinite scroll” having optional filtering. In SQL I would do it like this when no filters are applied except id:

SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE id < :last_known_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20;

However, I also want to support filtering over multiple fields. In SQL it would look like this:

SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE id < :last_known_id AND (name ILIKE(:search_term) OR email ILIKE(:search_term) OR company ILIKE(:search_term)) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20;

Where :search_term would be something like %foo%.

Now, I tried something similar with Ecto:

def search(last_id, search) do
  from(b in Booking,
    order_by: [desc: :id],
    limit: 20,
    where: < ^last_id
  |> name_filter(search)
  |> email_filter(search)
  |> company_filter(search)

defp name_filter(query, search)
when is_nil(search) do

defp name_filter(query, search) do
  search_term = "%#{search}%"
  |> or_where([b], ilike(, ^search_term))

defp email_filter(query, search)
when is_nil(search) do

defp email_filter(query, search) do
  search_term = "%#{search}%"
  |> or_where([b], ilike(, ^search_term))

defp company_filter(query, search)
when is_nil(search) do

defp company_filter(query, search) do
  search_term = "%#{search}%"
  |> or_where([b], ilike(, ^search_term))

This however produces an SQL similar to this:

SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE id < :last_known_id AND name ILIKE(:search_term) OR email ILIKE(:search_term) OR company ILIKE(:search_term) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20;

Notice the missing parentheses around OR statements making this act differently than desired.

I understand that I could change the code above to have only two search functions (one for when search parameter is not set) and then perform where([b], ilike(, ^search_term) or ilike(, ^search_term) ... ) however when filtering logic is more complicated then keeping separate functions would make code more readable in my opinion.

Is there a way to achieve WHERE something AND (something_else OR something_another_else) SQL easily in Ecto to solve the problem described above?

You‘d want to compose the condition using Ecto.Query.dynamic and attach the result to the query. In dynamic you can control precedence manually.

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Thank you for your reply.

Not sure I understand how would dynamic help me here exactly. I can imagine that it would help me to reduce functions count, but I would still have this problem of not having condition1 AND (condition2 OR condition3) SQL. Or I might be missing something since to be fair I’ve not used dynamic before.

Can you give me a simple example (in pseudo-code) how would dynamic been used in this situation?

It helped in my (some another) case. Thank you very much, @LostKobrakai!