Help an Elixir beginner find missing development tooling!

Not possible as in most cases the failed process do not exist (unhandled exceptions will kill current process), so there is no “context” you can attach to.

As well I doubt that it would be possible, as Erlang do not provide anything like Kernel#local_variables in Ruby. Also as it was said earlier - process is probably dead when the error handling take place, so there is no “context”. Oh, and by the way, as Elixir compiles to Erlang code, and Erlang allows only one assignment per variable name (SSA-like) the “Elixir variables” will have non-meaningful names in Erlang code.

There was mix console but it was removed. I do not know what was the rationale. But if you do not like it, then you can always create custom command or alias (within Mix) or shell alias.

There is Sobelow, but I do not know if this audit the dependencies. For tool that checks deps for security issues we would need centralised log of such issues, AFAIK there is none, and AFAIK Elixir didn’t had any CVE assigned yet.

How would that even work? Really, I cannot imagine.

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