Help with Ecto query fetching nested associations

Hi guys, I’ve been stuck for a couple of hours on this query I’m hoping you can help me with. I am querying data for an API response.

There are five schemas I’m dealing with. User, Institution, Account, Balance and BalanceType. A User has multiple Institution, each Institution has multiple Account, each Account has a time series of Balance, for which each Balance has one BalanceType. I want to return all the institutions and accounts for a user with the most recent balance (of type “current”) for each account.

I can get bits and pieces to work, but not the whole thing. This is the closest I’ve been able to get, but it’s missing two things: 1) preloading Balance and 2) joining/preloading BalanceType.

|> join(:inner, [i], a in assoc(i, :account))
|> join(:inner, [i, a], u in assoc(a, :user))
|> join(:inner_lateral, [i, a, u], b in fragment("SELECT * FROM balance WHERE account_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1",
|> where([_, _, u, _], == ^
|> preload([_, a, _, _], [account: a])
|> Repo.all()

Ecto won’t preload the result of the fragment because it’s not an association. I also can’t seem to join BalanceType to the fragment explicitly which I tried by putting the below in the pipe after the fragment.

join(:inner, [i, a, u, b], bt in BalanceType, on: b.balance_type_id ==

It throws: (ArgumentError) argument error :erlang.apply({:join_count, [], Ecto.Query.Builder.Join}, :type, [])

Including Balance and BalanceType is possible using keyword syntax, but at the cost of getting the most recent Balance:

  from i in Institution,
    join: a in assoc(i, :account),
    join: u in assoc(a, :user),
    join: b in assoc(a, :balance),
    join: bt in assoc(b, :balance_type),
    preload: [account: {a, balance: {b, balance_type: bt}}],
    where: == ^,
    where: == "current"

In the above, I’d like to replace:

join: b in assoc(a, :balance) 


inner_lateral_join: b in fragment("SELECT * FROM balance WHERE account_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1",

Unfortunately this doesn’t work because the fragment doesn’t produce a schema which is required to join and preload the Balance association.

Am I doing something wrong, or is what I’m trying to do just not possible in Ecto?


You could try casting the fragment via type to the type of the schema maybe?

Clever suggestion! Unfortunately, Ecto does’t like that:

|> join(:inner_lateral, [i, a, u], b in type(^fragment("SELECT * FROM balance WHERE account_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1",, Balance))


== Compilation error on file ....ex ==
** (Ecto.Query.CompileError) malformed join `type(^fragment("SELECT * FROM balance WHERE 
account_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1",, Balance)` in query expression

It produces this error with and without the ^.

Ecto cannot currently support the combination of preloads and fragments I need to make my query work.

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