How can I control every step of tests running with ExUnit

Thanks! I’m planning to update my file to do this instead.

So do the import/alias keywords not work by default in the test folder because it is a non-standard location for modules to live?

They do work just fine but usually projects look for stuff to compile in test/support and below, not in the root test directory. You can check your own mix.exs file for the elixirc_paths value.

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I don’t get what José Valim said here:

Yes, setting seed: 0 on ExUnit start or via the command line does it. But it is for the whole suite and not that particular test case.
Relying on ordering for tests is usually not recommended.

source: Elixir google group

Why does “Relying on ordering for test” isn’t recommended?

It means each test should be isolated and not rely on leftover state from previous tests.