How hard would it be to have a static typing system in Elixir?

I think it’s possible to go much farther than that. One attractive solution is to build a bolt-on solution on top of compiler hooks. That way you could have static type inference as a library. Those who wish to have it can use it; those who do not need not use it.

This old thread could be a useful read

I know I’m coming back here after a long time, but the idea has stuck.

@ityonemo could you elaborate on this idea?

I was using typescript as a reference implementation because it seems to have similar constraints. Typescript is a layer on top of Javascript, is structurally typed (like Elixir), has amazing editor & code completion support, and deals with a language underneath that is dynamically typed.

Imagining a world where we throw away dialyzer specs and replace them with a type system layer similar to Typescript.

Actually I think the could would be simpler than Typescript because Elixir is a simpler language.

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yeah, I’m bullish on a “much better dialyzer”. I did just clear two things off of my stack, so one more to get to before continuing work on my type system. The state i’m at is that I have taken more of a “scientist’s approach” instead of a “mathematician’s approach”. What this means is instead of trying to shoehorn erlang VM into an existing theoretical typesystem, start from a theory of how the VM works, and build a typesystem around it using basic math, and set theory. I’ll be picking up my work on Mavis and Selectrix soon!


Excellent! I think it could also be a useful exercise to brainstorm developer experience. But suppose that’s a separate challenge?

One idea would be to see how a subset of typescript might map to elixir. For example the following are not exactly the same, but have equivalents in Elixir

  • Interfaces
  • Union types
  • Guard clauses

Another thing worth looking at is JSDoc because it allows documenting types separately in the same way typespecs do.

Both will certainly have drawbacks but I think we may learn something from them.

Something inspired by interfaces and union types could cover quite a large amount of what Elixir typespecs do.


I’m in the middle of refactoring this. I realized I was doing lists and functions wrong.


Implements a DSL e.g. (mavis_inference/bifs.ex at main · ityonemo/mavis_inference · GitHub) that lets you define what types are accepted and rejected in both directions across an opcode, so you can do a bidirectional sift and infer which types are usable and which types are rejected.

There’s still some bugs and I need to write a sanity check to make sure that if you backpropagate, the type union is strictly smaller than the forward pass (because right now it’s infinite-looping on quite a bit of code).

Anyways if this stuff is interesting to you, i’m happy to accept help!