How have you been learning Elixir?

I am trying to learn Elixir without doing web programming. I am not a big fan of web frameworks and tend to avoid them, especially when I am just learning a new language or technology. So I am working through stuff without learning Phoenix and Ecto.

I have been doing the Exercism Elixir track. It’s good, but I am not sure if I will complete it. I am learning, but I am not that crazy about the use cases.

I am thinking of getting Red4 and I like what I see in Elixir in Action (anyone know why the Manning books are more expensive than the PragProg ones?).

I am feeling a little lost between the resources that are mostly syntax based and the ones (not enough of them) that are practical based. I prefer the latter.

My ultimate goal with Elixir is to write OTP Big Data apps (and/or encourage the community to do so) that rival those on the JVM like Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, etc. Also, I think we should take aim at Golang and see if Elixir/Erlang + BEAM is suited to their sweet spot of network services apps.


A few chapters into Introducing Elixir book. For someone new to programming, I’m able to follow along quite nicely.

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I :heart: redfour tutorial. It is really fun and entertaining. It has videos, code examples and try guide you by hand through wonderful land of Elixir :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Ruby / Elixir connection

For the record: I’m not on meth! But I’m thick skinned too. For what it’s worth, I’m doing streaming of the same content at and teaching Elm now too.


Haha love it

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I started with Programming Elixir 1.2, jumped to Learning Elixir as I like seeing two points of view for learning. Once I finish Learning Elixir, I am moving to Programming Phoenix, and then Elixir In Action. Long road but I am enjoying it so far!

I may give Red:4 a try, it looks fun.

After I finish a few projects I plan on returning to Programming Elixir 1.2 to finish it up, its a beastly book.


I started off with Programming Elixir and by reading the Elixir docs and various Elixir-related blog postings.

For me, there are two things that are very effective for learning: doing and teaching. Doing means that I experiment with Elixir by writing code. This is very simple at first and expands in size as I progress. Teaching means that I explain Elixir to others. In my case, I decided to write about it in a series that I call “Learn with Me: Elixir”. I write about Elixir as I learn it and anyone else who is also interested in learning can follow along with me. If anyone is interested, you can find it at

Just writing about Elixir has taught me a great deal and has helped me to remember things.