How have you been learning Elixir?

What’s been working well for you?

(We also have a How have you been learning Phoenix thread.)

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Started with Elixir in Action (but have a bunch of Erlang books that I’ve read in recent years). EIA is really excellent and practical.

Studying the Phoenix Trello tribute which looks quite well designed, superb learning tool.

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What’s your background Paul?

I’m really looking forward to EIA. Unfortunately I don’t do so well reading code, much prefer to read books then dive in and start making something.

Hi AstonJ,

Have been building database backed webapps/apis professionally for about a decade now. No experience with Ruby or Rails, though. As for FP, Erlang/(Elixir) was my first functional language.

You will really enjoy working through EIA. I like it because it builds from one chapter to the next, focusing on understanding the core paradigms that make Elixir/OTP great. If I hadn’t read a number of Erlang books prior, I’d still have been comfortable learning Elixir/OTP from scratch just from EIA.


Nice :slightly_smiling:

I’m finding it interesting chatting with people from different backgrounds. Generally in Ruby, most people know Ruby and the usual front-end suspects. It seems to be more varied in Elixir.

I’m also studying the Phoenix Trello tribute and following the associated blog series:

I’m planning to subscribe to the Learn Elixir TV screencasts.

Rob Conery recently released a multimedia Elixir tutorial called Red 4. I’d like to work through that one also if I can find time:

I watched a few of Rob’s Pluralsight screencasts (NodeJS Testing Strategies and Building a Realtime Web App with MeteorJS) and really like his material.

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Let us know what youthink about the redfour tutorial @MichaelC

I have bought the LearnElixir.TV course and it is very good value for money - I’ve only watched a few vids so far but it looks great. The only criticism I have is that they are (he talks) a bit fast, and could do with being a little slower. But that could just be me, lol.

I’ve been working through the Trello clone.

Going to pick up the phoenix book soon.

I’m really hoping to start seeing some youtube video tutorials show up. Everything out there currently are just high level overviews. If Elixir/Phoenix wants wider adoption someone is going to need to hold us newbies by the hand.


You might want to watch this space :003:

I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, but I started work on a community-centered screencasting outfit last year but due to personal reasons had to put it on the back burner.

It was going to be a free/cheap (as in if you want to subscribe, you can) model with any profits going towards tech projects (after paying staff/expenses etc). When I first mentioned it, Matz (creator or Ruby) retweeted it and we had huge interest.

But yeah, we definitely need more video content.

Btw in case you haven’t heard of it, there’s also

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Every framework under the sun has a plethora of tutorials and “let’s make a xyz clone” youtube videos. That is, with the exception of Phoenix/Elixir. I don’t understand why that is. The conferences on youtube seemed to be chock full of people.

I’ve seen that and considered it, however the guy talks like he’s on meth. I got the impression too that some of the material is dated. The free example video discussing the Dynamo web framework for example.

I haven’t actually seen any Sips myself yet, but whoever presents video is bound to get some that love and some that hate their voice.

I dread to think what you would think of my voice :icon_eek: :043:

(I hate my voice - I think I sound a bit ‘dim’)

My poor Yeti - hasn’t seen any action yet! :lol:

Hi there!
Well, I first subscribed to Learn Elixir TV to get an overview of the language. I’ve also read Programming Elixir and now I’m finishing Elixir in action as well. I prefer going into practical stuff as soon as possible so I’ve also subscribed to the Red:Four tutorial which is awesome.

I believe in learning by doing, so I built the Phoenix Trello tribute/clone and tutorials, which has been an awesome experience so far, now even more specially after seeing that many other people are using it to learn about Elixir/Phoenix. Thanks to everybody for the support by the way :heart_eyes:

Finally, I’m building my second tribute/clone of another great application I use everyday, and I’m putting in practice everything I’ve learned so far since I build Phoenix Trello :smile:


Elixirsips is dated in the sense that it’s been going for a while and Elixir is only just gone 1.x but there are over 200 videos, so lots of content much of it specific to a particular thing we might be interested in. The latest stuff is up to date language wise.

LearnElixirTV is great for Elixir but doesn’t get into Phoenix at all.

I’ve got most of the books. Pretty much because I’m a moron and need to keep hammering it into my head LOL

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For a first ‘general’ view and some ‘how does it feel’ i’ve used the getting started guide. Now working through Elixir School, have bought the elixir books from Manning (Elixir in Action by Saša Jurić and The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook by Benjamin Tan Wei Hao). Also in the shelf is Programming Elixir 1.2 by Dave Thomas.
I am not that into video tutorials.


[quote=“bigardone, post:12, topic:63”]
I believe in learning by doing, so I built the Phoenix Trello tribute/clone and tutorials, which has been an awesome experience so far, now even more specially after seeing that many other people are using it to learn about Elixir/Phoenix. Thanks to everybody for the support by the way :heart_eyes: [/quote]

Nice one Ricardo - you have plenty of fans here :003:

C’mon it’s cruel not telling us what it is :101:

You and me both Fergus :lol: How many have you read so far and what order do you suggest others read them?

hahaha :smile:
in a couple of weeks I’ll share it with everybody and write some tutorials about it as well :wink:


I’ve gone in this order, working through the exercises in each:

Programming Erlang
|> Programming Elixir
|> Programming Phoenix

With a little learnyousomeerlang, elixirsips and Phoenix Trello, blog posts/articles sprinkled in of course. As someone new to FP and OTP, it’s a lot to digest, but so far, so good.

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I tried reading a introductionary book, but put it aside after a couple of pages. Instead I started the Elixir-Track at and learned much of Elixirs syntax and libraries while doing the exercises over there. I went the same route with Erlang, but didn’t even try to read a book before hand :wink:


I’m a big fan of learning by doing.
I started off with a small project, which was a command line app, but is now just a script that prints out random quotes every time I open iex.
Now working on larger security-related projects.


I completely agree with @riverrun

Currently, i am working on implementing HTTP2 on Elixir.

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