Haha vim-textobjects-elixir is old school! I hope you find it helpful.
These days I’m using nvim-treesitter-textobjects.
Vim or Neovim, VimL or Lua, it’s all good & if you take over elixir.vim I’ll study your work and see what I can learn.
Haha vim-textobjects-elixir is old school! I hope you find it helpful.
These days I’m using nvim-treesitter-textobjects.
Vim or Neovim, VimL or Lua, it’s all good & if you take over elixir.vim I’ll study your work and see what I can learn.
Ha! I’m certainly no VimL expert but highly motivated to fix the Elixir situation. Josh is working on getting me commit access!
No arguments there!
HEEx highlighting has been merged!
Thanks a lot!
Hmm that is surprising, I have switched and I have a huge configuration which is gradually and seeminglessly moving from .vim to .lua
This is OT but I would love to help, so just PM me if you’d like some help
I definitely use only Vim, because there’s not a single good Neovim GUI out there, especially on macOS, and I have tried all the ones that claim to work on the Mac with great disappointment.
I have also recently started shifting my configuration entirely to vim9script
because I don’t ever see myself switching to Neovim. There are some nice things in Neovim, but none of them match the experience that I want to have. Maybe if I was on Windows or Linux, I might find the subpar GUIs less objectionable. Maybe not.
Ya the lack of GUI support is surprising. I’ve never looked into their reasoning.
Well my reasoning is that nvim inside Alacritty works perfect for me.
Well that’s fine, but you aren’t on the nvim team I also don’t use gvim but it’s quite popular.
Not sure what you mean but I use nvim exclusively for close to 2 years now.
I meant the development team… as in I don’t know the developers’ reasoning of not doing a gui version themselves.
EDIT: Well giving it two seconds of thought it’s obvious that it’s a huge undertaking to support on three platforms. That’s what I get for responding during a meeting.
Pinging those here who are interested that I’ve made progress:
Looking forward to playing with this. I have been looking for time to do a vim9 approach for Elixir but I’m always happier when someone else does it.