How to add custom measurement units with `Cldr.Unit.Additional`

I am seeing the same behavior. Following the example in the doc

config :ex_cldr_units, :additional_units,
  person: [
    base_unit: :unit,
    factor: 1,
    offset: 0

then a test I would expect to pass (which is not)

assert MyApp.Cldr.Unit.known_units() |> Enum.any?(&(&1 == :person))

catching up on the conversation in the git ticket, it does seem like this was fixed in 3.16.3

update 2: After trying to implement custom conversions for therms to decatherms, I realize the conversions only accept a few custom fields. I added a comment to the issue w/ what I am seeing

update 3: after cleaning deps, I do see these passing, apologies for any extra stress I created in this 30 minute adventure