How to create this kind of or_where query in Ecto?

Here’s the query:

    completed_visits =
      from(v in Visit,
        select: count("*"),
        where: v.scheduled_for >= ^sixty_days_ago,
        where: v.pal_id == ^,
        where: v.state in ["completed", "reviewed"]

    future_visits =
      from(v in Visit,
        select: count("*"),
        where: v.scheduled_for >= ^,
        where: v.pal_id == ^

The meat of this query is: they have a visit in either state OR they have a visit scheduled for the future.

How could I combine this into a single SQL query using Ecto? Found some documentation here, but having some trouble understand how to fit it into my current needs.

Does it work if you combine the clauses with or, like:

      from(v in Visit,
        select: count("*"),
        where: (v.scheduled_for >= ^sixty_days_ago and v.pal_id == ^ and v.state in ["completed", "reviewed"]) or (v.scheduled_for >= ^ and v.pal_id == ^

Yeah this works:

    matching_visits =
      from(v in Visit,
        select: count("*"),
        where: v.pal_id == ^,
          (v.scheduled_for >= ^sixty_days_ago and
             v.state in ["completed", "reviewed"]) or
            v.scheduled_for >= ^

I guess where_or is just the wrong fit here.

Actually, I don’t see a reason that or_where won’t work here. You’d want to put the 2 clauses fully together. So 1 where and 1 or_where.

Forgot about that one :smile: