How to deal with phx.gen.*, when I don't need Models/Schema, in a --no-ecto webapp?

You’re able to add default args for the generators in your config file:

config :your_app, :generators, 
    context: false,
    schema: false,
    migration: false


I’m not 100% that the options I used in my example are correct, I’m extrapolating from the docs. It shows the option as migration: false and the corresponding flag --no-migration, so maybe schema and context are the same.

More generally, something to consider is making your own generators that are tailored to your specification. I think it is just a matter of cp deps/phoenix/lib/mix/tasks/phx.gen.html.ex lib/your_app/mix/tasks/your_app.gen.html.ex and then making the adjustments. Though keep in mind that the existing generators may rely on private apis that could change, as per this comment by Jose: Customizing `mix phoenix.gen.*` tasks