How to get started with Phoenix LiveView 1.7?

Have patience - learning materials will come in time to help you get up to speed :smiley:

Here’s one hot off the press by @germsvel

I wouldn’t call it a niche framework tbh - people don’t say it’s the spiritual successor to Rails for no reason, and you couldn’t really get much more mainstream than Rails :upside_down_face:


Hi @mody5 welcome to the community. Hopefully what follows is a high quality discussion.

On the one hand I have definitely felt quite a lot of churn in LiveView itself. My company and I started before it was even publicly available, and keeping our apps up to date has indeed been a challenge. I do think that the early integration into Phoenix itself via mix --live was perhaps premature because it invited people to start using it who maybe didn’t realize that major changes may still come.

The thing is though, LiveView itself is not yet 1.0, and as far as Phoenix itself goes, does it really change that much? If you walk through the upgrade guides there’s vanishingly little that you actually have to do, and even the things that get deprecated don’t involve actual breaking changes yet.

It’s a dominant framework in a (somewhat) niche language.


Quite the opposite!

Most frameworks would have likely called this version 2.0 but we kept it as Phoenix 1.7 exactly because everything is still backwards compatible. Which other major web frameworks out there have not pushed breaking changes in 7.5 years?

Of course, Phoenix LiveView is before 1.0, so it doesn’t reap the benefits of major versioning yet, but even then we have been careful with deprecations while exploring a programming model with plenty of new ideas.

And Phoenix v1.7 is exactly the maturing of the ideas from the last 3 years. It is a bit early to expect plenty of learning materials while it is still a release candidate. And that would be true for most technologies. So just be a bit patient and those materials will come out.


I’m glad that LV is still in alpha which allows for continuous innovation (as we may break api more), especially that client development concept and techniques keep evolving with new ideas, obviously much less so on the server-side.

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The video course has been Completely updated top-to-bottom for Phoenix 1.7 and LiveView 0.18


This course is a godsend for those new to Phoenix/LiveView. It is literally the only up-to-date documentation suitable for those wanting to get started with LiveView, and to a great extent, even Phoenix.