How to implement conditional phx-update (append or replace) with Phoenix LiveView?

You don’t need hooks for this. Here’s my approach:

phx-update can take 4 possible values:

    replace - the default operation. Replaces the element with the contents
    ignore - ignores updates to the DOM regardless of new content changes
    append - append the new DOM contents instead of replacing
    prepend - prepend the new DOM contents instead of replacing

I created a new assign :update_action and I’m passing it like this to the template: phx-update="<%= @update_action %>"

So, you only need to switch between append or replace in the :update_action assign depending on your logic.

However, when filter form is changed, I want the collection items to be replaced instead of appended. When, for example, the sorting is changed, the collection of items should start from page 1.

Here, you would change :update_action to replace.

When you only load more without actually changing any filters, it would be in append state.

So, in initial mount, it’s set to append
Then, in handle_params it’s set to replace since this is where the logic happens when filtering
Then, in handle_event("load-more", _, _), I set it again to append

Hope this helps.