How to make Dialyzer more strict?

Yes, in fact it could even be done via a library, this is what my TypedElixir and MLElixir experiments do (in different ways). :slight_smile:

(Wish I could get time to work on it some more, it’s so fun making such things!!)

Alpaca has promise, but it is more ‘pure’ in typing, like having OCaml compile to Javascript. It doesn’t have great integrations with Elixir and macro’s just don’t work at all, in addition it can’t use the types that the rest of the Beam more focuses on, as well as it doesn’t black box PID’s but instead tries to ‘type’ them (which seems inherently faulty on a BEAM language to me), etc… It is good as a more pure language, but not as something to interact with Elixir libraries.

Elixir is expressive enough (though the syntax definitely has some warts, like a couple random n-arity ‘functions’ as one example…) to do it as a library though. ^.^
Then you can mix-and-match as you want! :slight_smile:

It actually would be possible to make an LFE library that can make and consume Elixir macro’s though, unlike Alpaca. :slight_smile:

You could type LFE as well via a library for it.

Except Macro’s, Parse Transforms are indeed as powerful in erlang but just not as easy to use. Macro’s are where Elixir gets its power (a proper macro system in erlang would make choosing elixir over erlang far far harder with only the library ecosystem (because of elixir macros) being the deciding choice, I wish elixir was more erlang/beam compatible instead of making custom/new formats somehow…).

Precisely this. A good type system not only catches a lot of bugs (making entire classes of bugs just outright impossible), but it can also generate better code, make smaller and more expressive code constructs, and more! :smiley:

As stated above, just strengthening it alone will make checks better, which is always good of course, but you don’t get the gain in code generation efficiency nor better code constructs. That is why both of my TypedElixir and MLElixir experiments tries to ‘use’ dialyzer specs as much as possible, but also expanded above and beyond those. :slight_smile:

Oh I wish I had the time! It would be so fun to do!