If anyone stumbles upon this issue like I did, it might not be clear right away but at the moment it is doable to slugify a string using only string functions mostly discussed here: String.normalize(:nfd)
would split the string into separate characters so that accents can be removed and ASCII parts remain leaving us with a reasonable slug (not a grammatically correct transcriptions but the ASCII parts of the special chars).
Here is a changeset function I came up with:
defp normalize_slug(changeset) do
slug =
|> get_field(:slug)
|> String.normalize(:nfd)
|> String.downcase()
|> String.replace(~r/[^a-z-\s]/u, "")
|> String.replace(~r/\s/, "-")
put_change(changeset, :slug, slug)
Few tests from above:
Hubert Łępicki
> hubert-epicki
árboles más grandes
> arboles-mas-grandes
Übel wütet der Gürtelwürger
> ubel-wutet-der-gurtelwurger