How to replace accented letters with ASCII letters?

I’m late to this party but you might find unicode_transform useful. Its a rules-based transliterator which implements currently just a few of the many CLDR transliterations. Equally it might be both too much and too little for what you need.

The transformation rules for Latin to ASCII are quite comprehensive!

@jayjun’s excellent slugify package would be my general recommendation for slugification.


iex> Unicode.Transform.LatinAscii.transform "ü ø ß"
"u o ss"

iex> Unicode.Transform.LatinAscii.transform "árboles más grandes" 
"arboles mas grandes"

iex> Unicode.Transform.LatinAscii.transform "Übel wütet der Gürtelwürger"
"Ubel wutet der Gurtelwurger"

iex> Unicode.Transform.LatinAscii.transform "Ł"                  