How to rewrite this function in pipelines?

Hello. I would like to rewrite from() in pipelines.

      t in Tournament,
      where: like(, ^like) or like(t.game_name, ^like)
    |> date_filter()
    |> Repo.all()

Is it possible?

I think from the top of my head that you could do:

# assuming
import Ecto.Query

t in Tournament
|> from()
|> where(like(, ^like) or like(t.game_name, ^like))
|> date_filter()
|> Repo.all()
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I think it’s more like this:

import Ecto.Query, only: [where: 3]

|> where([t], like(, ^like) or like(t.game_name, ^like))
|> date_filter()
|> Repo.all()

See Ecto.Query — Ecto v3.7.1

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Thank you!