How to sell a company on Elixir that favours dotnet and nodejs

This article had some nice success stories as well.
Bleacher Report in particular is an interesting case, because it is not necessarily a use case where another stack couldn’t do, but Elixir still turned out to be a huge boost acroos all of those dimensions: productivity (less code, less tech debt), reliability (the spikes in traffic went from devops nightmare to non-events), response times and infra costs.

(Unfortunately this link which was referenced a lot is now broken)

Being familiar running nodejs in production, its non-blocking I/O model is pretty powerful for I/O concurrency and performs pretty well, but once you have some kind of spike or issue that starves your event loop everything bursts into flames. From there it can be hard to pinpoint the root cause. I don’t have the same level of experience with Elixir yet, but from what I could gather the BEAM seems really good at isolating failure and offers more gradual degradation in performance under load. Less alerts and less downtime seem like very compelling reasons to pick Elixir over Node.