HTMX - A js library sort of like liveview

Define “most of the use cases”. I don’t believe in panacea, but that’s just me.

Liveview is the most advanced solution for a stateful server patching a client. On the other hand, HTMX is not unique for stateless XHR into DOM; there are prior arts, other well established solutions, and hand rolled solutions. HTMX has a catchy name but not really advancing the state of art.

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Can you do a CRUD or business app with both - Yes you can.
Should you use live view for a static site - NO.
Can you use htmx for it - YES.

htmx is easy to pick up and you can get started in an afternoon.
Liveview has a higher learning curve than htmx. But once you learn it its more enjoyable.

Liveview is more declarative and htmx is more explicit.