If you could change one thing in Elixir language, what you would change?

I would like the &(&N) magic shortcut to somehow be able to be made available for zero arity functions. I don’t care what the syntax is, as long as it’s not too ugly, but I’m tired of starting to write a quick lambda and say to my self FFF— it’s zero arity!!

Cold shivers :slight_smile:

The problem is that this function would need to change from

def foo do
  |> bar()


def foo(param) do
  |> bar()

Which mean that def need to be aware of the function body. Additionally it would hide real arity of the function which could cause confusion.

Have you tried &foo/0? This works for any arity.


I’m talking about a situation where you want to have enclosed values (curried? I think), e.g. &my_function(value_a, value_b)

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we could solve this in a java-like way:

defp functor_factory(value_a, value_b), do: fn
  my_function(value_a, value_b)

spawn(functor_factory(value_a, value_b))

Cool idea! This seems like something one could cover with a macro yeah?

I forgot about the function name :), I’m trying to learn colemak layout and I’m focuring too much on the keyboard - I edited my post