Imagining Elixir 2.0

The difference though is that none of the options given to IO.inspect/2-3 change its return type. We generally avoid having an option change the return type because it makes the code harder to understand.

For example, if we were to merge get, fetch and fetch! into something, the following call Map.something(map, key, opts) could return {:ok, value} | value | :error | no_return. This can have a negative impact in static analysis tools like diaylzer, which may now have to work with this broad return type, and even affect features in editors, such as the typespecs autocompletion found in VS Code Elixir.

Sorry but it is unclear how the suggestions above would impact compile time and how it relates to the “Elixir is faster” announcements. Can you please expand? If there are ways we can compile libraries and applications faster, I would love to hear.