Import runtime config from apps in umbrella app root

Sorry! I ended up forgetting to report back, but the solution was what @josevalim suggested (thank you, by the way!). We now have one base runtime.exs in the umbrella root, as well as one runtime.exs for each app that needs custom runtime configuration.

The code in mix.exs looks like this, with some explanation added:

  defp releases do
      release_1: [
        version: "1.0.0",
        applications: [
          app_1: :permanent,
          app_2: :permanent,
          app_3: :permanent,
          app_4: :permanent, # assuming this app doesn't have runtime config
        include_executables_for: [:unix],
        config_providers: config_providers_for_apps([
        steps: [:assemble, &copy_configs/1],
      release_2: [
        version: "0.0.1",
        applications: [
          app_1: :permanent,
          app_2: :permanent,
          app_5: :permanent,
        include_executables_for: [:unix],
        runtime_config_path: "apps/app_5/config/runtime.exs", # In this case the base runtime is not the one from root, but the one in app_5
        config_providers: config_providers_for_apps([
        steps: [:assemble, &copy_configs/1],

  # Add the runtime.exs configuration for each provided app
  defp config_providers_for_apps(apps) do
    for app <- apps do
      {Config.Reader, path: {:system, "RELEASE_ROOT", "/apps/#{app}/config/runtime.exs"}, env: Mix.env()}

  # When assembling the release, we copy all the runtime.exs files defined in `config_providers` to it, keeping the relative app path to avoid collisions.
  defp copy_configs(%Mix.Release{path: release_directory_path, config_providers: config_providers} = release) do
    for {_module, path: {_context, _root, config_file_path}, env: _} <- config_providers do
      config_directory = Path.join(release_directory_path, Path.dirname(config_file_path))

      # Clean the config directory to make sure we are only including the files defined in the config_providers

      File.cp!(Path.relative(config_file_path), Path.join(config_directory, Path.basename(config_file_path)))


Does that help you @dylan-chong ?