Importing Elixir libraries to Erlang env

@hudson2010 If I remember correctly Erlang:

  1. " (double quotes) creates in Erlang the same that Elixir is creating with ' (single quote) i.e. charlist
  2. Not sure about UTF-8 binaries, but in Erlang to create binary you need this syntax: <<"Your binary goes here">>.
1> code:add_path("/home/…/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.10.4-otp-23/lib/elixir/ebin/").
2> application:start(compiler).                                                     
3> application:start(elixir).
4> 'Elixir.String':downcase(<<"TEST">>).

For more information please take a look at Strings on Elixir School page.

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