Internal representation (quoted form) for tuples?

I’ve read in more than one place that a tuple of size 1 or 2 is quoted
“as itself”… Did this change?

I don’t find it to be the case for a 1-element tuple, unless I am doing
something dumb…

Also mildly curious why if size 2 and/or one is special, size 0 is not…

defmodule Macros do
  defmacro showme(expr) do
    IO.inspect expr

require Macros

Macros.showme 555      # 555
Macros.showme {}       # {:{}, [line: 4], []}
Macros.showme {1}      # {:{}, [line: 5], [1]}  <-- ??
Macros.showme {1,2}    # {1, 2}
Macros.showme {1,2,3}  # {:{}, [line: 7], [1, 2, 3]}


Only 2 element tuples are quoted as themself. This is to make working with keyword lists a lot easier in macros.