ElixirLS - the Elixir Language Server

Version 0.6.0 was released today! :confetti_ball:

Here are the highlights:


Major changes:


Bug Fixes:

  • Fix issue with formatting and deps handling (thanks Thanabodee Charoenpiriyakij) #345
    • This would manifest as ** (Mix.Error) Unknown dependency :ecto_sql given to :import_deps in the formatter configuration.
  • Fix formatting files in umbrella projects (thanks Drew Olson)#350
  • Fix callback suggesions (thanks 艁ukasz Samson) #359

Note: MIX_TARGET support was added in 0.5.0 but wasn鈥檛 added to the changelog until later:

  • Support MIX_TARGET so the language server can have target specific contexts, like with Nerves (thanks Jon Carstens) #299

Potentially breaking changes:

  • Do not format files that are not listed in inputs of .formatter.exs (thanks Tan Jay Jun) #315
    • Note this is especially important for files like mix.lock
  • Drop OTP 20 and Elixir 1.7.x support and set some version support guidelines (thanks Jason Axelson) #337

I want to give a huge thanks to all the contributors to this release! :heart:

Full Changelog