Introducing Exkorpion

Hey guys,

I would like to introduce you Exkorpion, a testing framework in which I am working on. The idea is to make life easier to those developers who want to work under BDD.

I only got a month of experience working with Elixir so I would really appreciate any feedback, recommendations and of course any constructive criticism, from experienced developers or other ones who are starting too.

If you think this looks interesting or even a funny way to write tests , I will publish a roadmap with the next features I would like ti implement.

You could reach me at

Thanks in advance.


Below a sample of how tests look when using Exkorpion,

Exkorpion sample

Hey there!

Stylistic note first: Elixir convention is 2 space indentation, examples with 4 spaces or tabs tend to look wrong. This applies both to the examples as well as the Exkorpion codebase itself.

Also in the code base you have camel case functions and function arguments with a trailing _ like exkorpion/lib/exkorpion/executor.ex at master · wesovilabs/exkorpion · GitHub. snake case function names are idiomatic, and I’m not sure what the purpose of the trailing _ is. Elsewhere there are camelcase variable names, and the snake case convention applies to those too.

The idea is to make life easier to those developers who want to work under BDD.

What would you say makes life difficult for BDD developers?

Below a sample of how tests look when using Exkorpion

I think the simplicity of the examples doesn’t really help you here, because I have a hard time seeing how those examples are better than

  describe "sum operation" do
    test "sum positive numbers" do
      assert sum(1, 2) == 3

    test "sum negative numbers" do
      assert sum(-1, -2) == -3

I appreciate how you’re trying to provide semantic meaning with the whole with given when thing but I’m concerned that the indirection just makes readability harder. For example

it "does multiple operations depending on vairable input" do
    with: fn ->
          %{param1: 2, param2: 3, result: 5, op: fn a,b -> sum(a,b) end},
          %{param1: 3, param2: -2, result: 5, op: fn a,b -> subs(a,b) end}
    given: fn ctx ->
      %{a: ctx.param1, b: ctx.param2}
    when: fn ctx ->
      %{c: ctx.op.(ctx.a, ctx.b)}
    then: fn ctx ->
      assert ctx.c === ctx.result

Really just boils down to:

test "multiple operations" do
  assert sum(2, 3) == 5
  assert subs(3, -2) == 5

More problematically, when a test fails it serves to obscure the actual source of the error. For example with that last block if you change the results to 7 so as to make the tests fail the error message is

     ** (Exkorpion.Error.AssertionError) Assertion with === failed
       test/testing_test.exs:43: (test)

Unfortunately have we have lost the wonderful LHS / RHS comparison we normally get with ExUnit

     code: sum(1, 1) == 3
     lhs:  2
     rhs:  3
       test/testing_test.exs:8: (test)

and Line 43 (indicated in the Exkorpion error output) is actually the line of the it "blah" line, not the line we actually make the assertion on.

When Exkorpion gives me an error I have to look through the test code to actually spot the line on which we are asserting but even when I find it it still isn’t clear what’s wrong because there’s several lines worth of indirection between the assertion and actual values. If there are several tests listed (like in your last example) I don’t even know which one it was that failed!

I hope this doesn’t come off as overly negative, I am always very appreciative when users new to a language contribute to that language, it always says something good about the user. I’m just concerned that in the case of this particular library the testing experience is a step backward from what ExUnit provides by default.


Thank you very much for your feedback! I really appreciate all your tips and I am going to put into practice from now on. I came from other kind programming languages such as Java, JS, Scala or bash and I am sure I am making lot of mistakes now…

I totally agree with you about my example, probably is not the best one for trying to promote a BDD framework. and I will prepare a best cases for the next release,

I guess I should fix things of this release, make a better understanding of the lenguage (I got only 3 weeks of experience ahaha and not real experience, just a from my place haha) and then I will be ready to improve this framework

Thanks agaim,


I’m the author of Midje, probably the second most popular Clojure testing framework. Midje was compatible with the Official Test Framework, in that it could also run existing tests (with the idea people could migrate gradually by adding new tests in an existing format). Over the years, people have told me that was important to them.

However, Midje has a fairly (some would say “extremely”) different syntax, and that proved a huge barrier. Were I doing it again, I would probably give up on my idea that test syntax should look like the examples in books - that is:

(map str/capitalize ["a", "B", "abc"]) => ["A" "B" "Abc"]

… in favor of adding macros and functions stylistically compatible with the existing test library.

I’m thinking that’s the route to adding on to ExUnit - which, with its printing of differences, is already quite nice. That’s the approach ShouldI takes, and that I also took with some of my dabbling with testing Phoenix views.

It’s early for me to do this, since I’m such an Elixir newbie, but I’d like to (somehow) gather interested parties to (1) make the Elixir testing story outrageously compelling, and (2) do that in a way that builds on ExUnit.

Not sure how to accomplish that.


Thank you all for all your comments, working on 0.0.2, just released a .0.0.2-rc.1,