IO Bottlenecked Processing

Taking @benwilson512’s approach, I figured out one bug, wasn’t in “my” code though. Using SQS send-message instead of send-message-batch meant I wasn’t delivering work fast enough. Once that cleared up, I’m still bottlenecked at 70% CPU using ExAws (going to try soon with presigned links to see if its any better).

I don’t think so. Theres plenty of network bandwidth left from what I can tell.

25,000,000,000 bits per second / 8 = 3,125,000,000 bytes per second
3,125,000,000 bytes per second * 60 seconds = 187,500,000,000 bytes per minute.

Here’s running on just one machine, there is 185GB of input so it should be able to download it all within 1 minute according to the above calculation.

See the CPU is up now (all percentiles are on top of each other), but NetworkIn is still super low, topping out at 22GB. Is there something I’m missing or is that calculation wrong for some reason?