Is it possible to ignore (inside a child) the phx-ignore of the parent?

Is it possible to ignore (inside a child) the phx-ignore of the parent?


< div child phx-append>

After a tip from a colleague i tried Phoenix.Component — Phoenix LiveView v0.18.3 but it didnt fixed the issue unfortunately…

Also this answer How does phx-update="ignore" work? - #2 by chrismccord don’t get my hopes up

No it applies to the entire container

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A possible workaround is to create a event listener and render the entire component and send it via an event to js.

    |> push_event(
          |> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata()
          |> Enum.join()

Inside the event listener replace the current html with the new one.

        window.addEventListener(`phx:update_table_html`, (e) => {
            document.getElementById(element).innerHTML = e.detail.new_html;

Dunno how much this way decreases performance, but i´ve in production and didnt notice a decrease (yet).
Guess it shouldn´t be a problem for smaller components.