Is it possible to send events to the server from a liveview that hasn't mounted?

Just trying to wrap my head around a couple of things with how events work in liveview. Mostly for security reasons.

Say that I lock down the mount functions of my liveviews and components with appropriate authorization rules. Assuming I have a websocket connection somewhere else in the application, am I able to send arbitrary events to another liveview module?

My assumption is no, since liveviews are process driven and the process will die if it redirects from the mount method. I want to know if I have to separately authorize my handle_event functions if they have the same authorization rules as the liveview itself.

This is correct. The client has to ask the server to setup a liveview, and when the server sets up a liveview it always runs mount first. If mount denies access, the client can’t force anything to happen.


Perfect thank you. Are you aware of any materials describing the client-server interactions in liveview out of the box? I’m aware of a video on the “liveview” lifecycle but it’s more basic than I’m looking for.

@elt547 not off hand, but keep in mind that any resources that you find about Phoenix Channels apply equally to LiveView, because LiveView is built on top of channels.

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The answer to this specific question is yes. Generally speaking, you should check authorization for each action performed in a handle_event callback. Authorization is separate from authentication, you can perform authentication in on_mount, but you still have to check whether each action can be performed by the authenticated user.