Is there a good way to dump params from a controller action?

I couldn’t copy paste it… and I’m assuming this is the stack trace you’re talking about.

Thanks again.

I also believe one of the problem is my router.

  65   scope "/admin", FumigateWeb.Admin, as: :admin do
  66     pipe_through [:browser, :protected, :admin_only]
  73   resources "/perfumes_approval", PerfumeApprovalController
  74   post "/perfumes_approval", PerfumeController, :approve                                                          
  75   end

I actually figured it out. It’s actually a combination of thing.

The router one where resources always matches, line 73, so line 74 never get to do anything.

Another thing is that edit is magic.

I don’t know how edit does it but it can take ecto stuff without complaining:

Routes.admin_perfume_approval_path(@conn, :edit, perfume)

I’m assuming update does the same thing.

So I’ve decided to fix the router problem by using one of the route/action I’m not using new action instead of creating a custom action, approve. On top of this instead of passing perfume ecto as the third param I pass the record’s id instead:

Routes.admin_perfume_approval_path(@conn, :new, %{ "id" =>})

Thank you again for your time.