Is there a reporting tool/library for Elixir?

I am working in Elixir / Phoenix-framework, and was looking for any Reporting tool in Elixir or any API like we have jasper/birt in Java, that will help in creating reports.
i need to create reports on purchases, payments. etc.


I personally just generate HTML for reports, are you needing something else?


i feel that could be the only alternative, though its cumbersome to have html templates as reports and then convert to pdf. Anyway, thanks for the reply

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Why would you want a PDF?! The users cannot customize it or parse it or anything that they want to do with it then, plus they can already ‘print’ it to a PDF in all browsers nowadays anyway, absolutely no need to duplicate functionality that the browser will do better in any case. ^.^

You can always use a phantom browser to print an html to pdf too, and there are erlang things to make a pdf if you really want, but that is manual and painful. PDF is useless nowadays unless you need pixel-to-pixel-page accuracy, which is never needed unless doing weird vector art in specific ways or something.

EDIT: /me really hates systems that give PDF’s as I’ve had to parse that crap just to put it into another format with a custom stylesheet could have done the same far more easily


I agree mate. but what i am looking for is Elixir Reporting Engine. I am looking for a lib that has the reporting capabilities to its applications. To create the dynamic content effortlessly.

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I really do think EEX is great for that though, I use it to generate reports here at work, both HTML and XML variants, you can call different parts and compose it up as you want. :slight_smile:


yea, thanks mate. thanks for your time


To answer the ‘why do you need a PDF’ question: I’ve had to output PDF’s from my webapplications in the past, which were sent to a company that printed them and sent them as real (snailmail) letters. In that case, PDF definitely is the only way to go, because you then do want the pixel-perfect accuracy.

Using wkhtml2pdf made this ‘relatively’ painless. The main problems that remain is that not áll the things you’d like to do in HTML work with the PDF conversion. One problem we faced, for instance, was that the euro symbol (€) was not converted properly until we explicitly included the used charset in the HTML document.


Could always use headless google chrome and print a pdf from there as you would expect it to come out perfectly every time. ^.^

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I believe this is what wkhtml2pdf does internally, as the wk in its name stands for ‘webkit’ :slight_smile: .

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Odd if it lacks some features though, plus probably no javascript setup?

Chrome’s new headless mode is awesome! I cannot wait until it is in the release version. :slight_smile:

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