Issue with DBConnection.Ownership.Proxy.checkout and GenServer process

Not sure if I got it correctly though I thought that specifying async: false would stop tests from running concurrently? Still I get the same bug as described here (the test cases all still pass, it’s just that the error messages appear in the console. When I try to run only one single test, everything’s fine).

I’ve tried different proposed solutions such as

  • Setting Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(App.Repo, {:shared, self()}) in test_helper.exs
  • Writing
          parent = self()
          Task.start(fn ->
            Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.allow(Repo, parent, self())
            apply(mod, func, args)
  • Use Elixir 1.8.0 and DBConnection 2.0.5 (it did fix another bug with tests though)

But none of them worked.

I wonder if it has something to do with the usage of Task.start.

I was trying to adapt the code posted by Chris McCord at I wonder if that code itself is a bit outdated.