It is possible to early return using send_resp in my integration test?

I am a Node.js developer so I am used to do early returns, but in Elixir turns out that it’s not so simple to make the tests pass. Here is my problem:

I need to check if the keys Type and Key are present in the given body, if not present I want to early return and stop the execution of this function.

def create(conn, body) do
    if !PayeeContext.check_for_required_fields(body), do: conn
      |> send_resp(400, "Please provide Key and Type parameters")

    %{"key" => key} = body
    %{"type" => type} = body

    validation_func = PayeeContext.validation_map(type)

    case validation_func.(key) do
      {:ok, _} ->
        conn |> send_resp(200, "Request created successfully")
      {:error, message} -> conn |> send_resp(400, message)

This works like a charm outside the tests, but when I run them, I got an error caused by the missing properties.

This is my test:

    test "returns 400 if Key prop is missing", %{conn: conn} do
      params = %{
        key: "44187221816",
        account: %{
          account_type: "checking_account",
          account_number: "00028363-6",
          branch: "0001"
        owner: %{
          name: "Eve Montalvão"

      response = conn |> post(Routes.payee_path(conn, :create, params))

      assert response.status == 400

So, it is possible to make this work? ::slight_smile:

Yes, it is possible. Just try strings as keys instead of atoms for params :slight_smile:

It isn’t possible the way @evemontalvao has it right now. The first if clause is sending a resp on the conn, but then the function continues, it does not return at that point. Elixir functions can’t be made to return early, rather @evemontalvao should use an else clause on the if block.

Yep I was actually just trying to do the same thing the other day with send_resp. You have to wrap it in a control structure to return early.

Since you can’t do early returns as others have mentioned you need to define two (in this case) branches of execution. You can use if, but I find case to be more readable usually:

def create(conn, body) do
	case PayeeContext.check_for_required_fields(body) do
		false -> send_resp(conn, 400, "Please provide Key and Type parameters")
		_ ->
			%{"key" => key, "type" => type} = body

			case PayeeContext.validation_map(type).(key) do
				{:ok, _} -> send_resp(conn, 200, "Request created successfully")
				{:error, message} -> send_resp(conn, 400, message)

If those are the only keys you need (“key” and “type” and check_for_required_fields doesn’t do anything else) then you can use pattern matching on the function head to single out the missing case:

def create(conn, %{"key" => key, "type" => type} = body) do
	# we have both keys for sure
	case PayeeContext.validation_map(type).(key) do
		{:ok, _} -> send_resp(conn, 200, "Request created successfully")
		{:error, message} -> send_resp(conn, 400, message)

def create(conn, _), do: send_resp(conn, 400, "Please provide Key and Type parameters")

Although not related directly to your question, I think that probably the best solution would be to implement a schema with Ecto and use that to validate the params itself. This would make it easier to return the exact missing/invalid parameters, as you can rely on the changeset API and in my opinion is cleaner. An example would be:

	defmodule Checkout.Request.Type do
		@behaviour Ecto.Type
		@type t() :: :one_type_request | :another_type_request
		def type, do: :string

		@valid_types [:one_type_request, :another_type_request]
		@valid_string Enum.reduce(@valid_types, [], fn(t, acc) -> [Atom.to_string(t) | acc] end)
		@valid_map Enum.reduce(@valid_types, %{}, fn(t, acc) -> Map.put(acc, Atom.to_string(t), t) end)

		def valid_types(), do: @valid_types

		def load(data) when is_binary(data) and data in @valid_string, do: {:ok, @valid_map[data]}
		def load(data) when is_atom(data) and data in @valid_types, do: {:ok, data}
		def load(_), do: :error

		def cast(data) when is_atom(data) and data in @valid_types, do: {:ok, data}
		def cast(data) when is_binary(data) and data in @valid_string, do: {:ok, String.to_atom(data)}
		def cast(_), do: :error

		def dump(data) when is_atom(data) and data in @valid_types, do: {:ok, Atom.to_string(data)}
		def dump(data) when is_binary(data) and data in @valid_string, do: {:ok, data}

		def embed_as(_), do: :dump

		def equal?(term_1, term_2) when is_binary(term_1) and term_1 in @valid_string and is_atom(term_2) and term_2 in @valid_types, do: Atom.to_string(term_2) === term_1

		def equal?(term_1, term_2) when is_binary(term_2) and term_2 in @valid_string and is_atom(term_1) and term_1 in @valid_types, do: Atom.to_string(term_1) === term_2

		def equal?(term_1, term_2) when is_binary(term_1) and is_binary(term_2) and term_1 in @valid_string and term_2 in @valid_string, do: term_1 === term_2

		def equal?(term_1, term_2) when is_atom(term_1) and is_atom(term_2) and term_1 in @valid_types and term_2 in @valid_types, do: term_1 === term_2

		def equal?(_, _), do: false

		def is_valid?(value, force_atom_version \\ true)
		def is_valid?(value, _) when is_atom(value) and value in @valid_types, do: true
		def is_valid?(value, false) when is_binary(value) and value in @valid_string, do: true
		def is_valid?(_, _), do: false

	defmodule Checkout.Request do
		use Ecto.Schema
		import Ecto.Changeset, only: [cast: 3, cast_embed: 3, validate_required: 2, apply_action: 2]

		@primary_key false
		embedded_schema do
			field :key,  :string
			field :type, Checkout.Request.Type
			embeds_one :account,   Checkout.Request.Account
			embeds_one :owner,     Checkout.Request.Owner

		def create_request(params) do
			|> cast(params, [:key, :type])
			|> cast_embed(:account, required: true)
			|> cast_embed(:owner, required: true)
			|> validate_required([:key, :type])
			|> apply_action(:insert)

	defmodule Checkout.Request.Account do
		use Ecto.Schema
		import Ecto.Changeset, only: [cast: 3, validate_required: 2]

		@primary_key false
		embedded_schema do
			field :account_type,   :string # this can be as the top request `type` a custom type that does proper validation
			field :account_number, :string
			field :branch,         :string

		def changeset(struct, params) do
			|> cast(params, [:account_type, :account_number, :branch])
			|> validate_required([:account_type, :account_number, :branch])

	defmodule Checkout.Request.Owner do
		use Ecto.Schema
		import Ecto.Changeset, only: [cast: 3, validate_required: 2]

		@primary_key false
		embedded_schema do
			field :name, :string

		def changeset(struct, params) do
			|> cast(params, [:name])
			|> validate_required([:name])

And then your controller can be:

	def create(conn, body) do
		case Checkout.Request.create_request(body) do
			{:ok, _} -> send_resp(conn, 200, "Request created successfully")
			{:error, changeset} -> send_resp(conn, 400, Jason.encode!(%{errors: extract_errors_from_changeset(changeset)}))

	# this should be extracted to its own module, or could be implemented on the Checkout.Request.create_request function itself to output either {:ok, struct} or {:error, already_traversed_map_of_errors}
	def extract_errors_from_changeset(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: false} = changeset) do
		Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, fn {msg, opts} ->
			Enum.reduce(opts, msg, fn {key, value}, acc ->
				String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value))

It also has the benefit that if you validate the params initially at the entry point you can then rely on having a structured map throughout the whole lifecycle of the request and I think that in the end it’s less work that doing add hoc checks on every step. Adding further validations is also quite simple and it also makes testing the controller easier, as there’s only 2 branches, you can then create a test suite for the schema validation and that will be the only thing you need to change when requirements change.

iex(21)> Checkout.Request.create_request(%{key: "44187221816", account: %{account_type: "checking_account", account_number: "00028363-6", branch: "0001"}, owner: %{name: "Eve Montalvão"}, type: "one_type_request"})
   account: %Checkout.Request.Account{
     account_number: "00028363-6",
     account_type: "checking_account",
     branch: "0001"
   key: "44187221816",
   owner: %Checkout.Request.Owner{name: "Eve Montalvão"},
   type: :one_type_request

iex(22)> {:error, changeset} = Checkout.Request.create_request(%{key: "44187221816", account: %{account_type: "checking_account", account_number: "00028363-6", branch: "0001"}, owner: %{name: "Eve Montalvão"}})                          
   action: :insert,
   changes: %{
     account: #Ecto.Changeset<
       action: :insert,
       changes: %{
         account_number: "00028363-6",
         account_type: "checking_account",
         branch: "0001"
       errors: [],
       data: #Checkout.Request.Account<>,
       valid?: true
     key: "44187221816",
     owner: #Ecto.Changeset<
       action: :insert,
       changes: %{name: "Eve Montalvão"},
       errors: [],
       data: #Checkout.Request.Owner<>,
       valid?: true
   errors: [type: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}],
   data: #Checkout.Request<>,
   valid?: false

> Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, fn {msg, opts} ->
    Enum.reduce(opts, msg, fn {key, value}, acc ->
        String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value))

%{type: ["can't be blank"]}