Learning Elixir, frst impressions ( plz don't kill me ! )

People seem to forget that a curried function is a workaround for the constraint in lambda calculus that a function can only have one, single argument. So in its original form (((f(1))(2))(3)) was necessary instead of f(1,2,3).

Languages like Haskell and OCaml popularized a notational convenience where you can use forms like f(1) and f(1,2) to return another function. But somehow people conflate that notational convenience with “currying”.

What is worse is that the obsession with currying seems to obscure the fact that “partial application” is the useful and powerful idea - which can be implemented simply by capturing available parameters inside a closure and returning a function that is ready to accept the remaining parameters.

As far as I’m concerned partial application is the meat and potatoes - currying is a mere frill.