Library for runtime application configuration—interested?

Coming from a dynamic language background the Elixir configuration was a pain to grasp and remember each time I came back to Elixir, worst when I started to deploy my pet apps, thus I really welcome a library that can make it easy to work with configuration and not hard to remember when returning back to the project after a while away.

As a developer advocate for security I don’t recommend at all that releases are built with any type of secrets on them, has we usually do now, with the session salt and session encryption key being a good example of some not being easy/possible to retrieve only at boot-time. It would be nice you could solve this problem with you configuration library.`

Maybe you want to keep an eye on Castle and/or work with them to be compatible with how configuration works with Hot Code Upgrades:

For example, to be compatible with sys.config :

runtime support for sys.config generation (incl. support for runtime.exs)