LiveView test error (Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError) the response was already sent

Trying to implement force logging out a user when their account was disabled after they logged in. I’m using phx_gen_auth for authentication.

I added an extra check called require_eligible_user/2 with this for handling the aforementioned.

# user_auth.ex
# In a cond expression
current_user.is_disabled ->
  |> put_flash(
    "Your account is disabled. If you think this was a mistake, contact your administrator."
  |> log_out_user() # phx_gen_auth's default `log_out_user/1`

Then I wrote the following test

# test file
# With `register_and_log_in` setup
test "ensures disabled accounts can't edit a resource", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
  resource = resource_fixture(%{name: "Resource Name"})

  # So the user is logged in before this.
  Ecto.Changeset.change(user, is_disabled: true) |> Repo.update!()

  {:ok, _, html} =
    |> live(Routes.resource_view_path(conn, :view, # Fails here
    |> follow_redirect(conn)

  assert html =~ "Your account is disabled. If you think this was a mistake, contact your administrator."


** (Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError) the response was already sent
     code: |> live(Routes.resource_view_path(conn, :view,

I’ve tried using recycle instead but I lose the assigns which isn’t something I want since I need the session, and whatnot. Plus doing so does not cause a redirect, which is supposedly expected with the log out behavior.