LiveVue - seamless integration of Vue with Phoenix LiveView

A small update about the project. It’s still growing, both when it comes to adoption and features :heart_eyes:

Recently I’ve added a roadmap to the readme of the project. I’m posting it here as well:

Roadmap :dart:

  • Add a default handler for Vue emits to eg. automatically push them to the server without explicit v-on handlers.
  • try to use Igniter as a way of installing LiveVue in a project
  • usePushEvent - an utility similar to useFetch making it easy to get data from &handle_event/3 -> {:reply, data, socket} responses
  • useLiveForm - an utility to efforlessly use Ecto changesets & server-side validation, similar to HEEX
  • useEventHandler - an utility automatically attaching & detaching handleEvent
  • optimize payload - send only json_patch diffs of updated props
  • VS code extension higlighting ~V sigil


I’m working currently on the early version of useLiveForm utility. I’ve posted more details on Twitter, you can find it here.